A Marie Losier Night


Eine Nacht mit Filmen der wundervollen Marie Losier


Davor, dazwischen, danach gibt es Musik,

aufgelegt von Felix Kubin und Nikae

inspiriert von


Electricute your stars (2004, 16mm, 8min)

Manuelle Labor (2007, 10min)

Slap the Gondola! (2010, 15min)

Tony Conrad. The DreaMinimalist (2008, 25min)

Papal Broken Dance (2009, 6min)


und The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye (2011)


Alle Filme in OV.


“Marie Losier is the most effervescent and psychologically accurate portrait artist working in film today. Her films wriggle with the energy and sweetness of a broken barrel full o’ sugar worms!!!! No one makes pictures like Marie, Edith Sitwell’s inner Tinkerbell !!!!”   (Guy Maddin)

